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Lexis+ AI

Financial Services & Tax


The road to hell

The road to hell

Actions taken with good intentions sometimes have the effect of backfiring disastrously. Politicians somehow have a knack of pulling off this feat more than most
The cost of justice

The cost of justice

A legal action does not always have to wear down a client's financial resources - there are viable alternative funding options available
Foreign investors welcome?

Foreign investors welcome?

There has been a sharp drop in the number of people using the Tier 1 (investor) visa scheme since recent changes. Should applicants be concerned?
Precarious predictions

Precarious predictions

Surely the major financial firms have to scale back their predictions for next year? They've been horribly wrong for two years in a row now
Ripples in the water

Ripples in the water

Waves of political and economic upheavals streaming from the east to the west have left their mark on a turbulent year
Changes, changes and more changes

Changes, changes and more changes

The changes announced in the autumn statement alongside those to be brought in by the Finance Bill 2016 are sure to keep advisers on their toes in the new year
Lexis+ AI