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Lexis+ AI

Financial Services & Tax


'Naming and shaming' by the FCA

'Naming and shaming' by the FCA

Dominic Crossley and Francesca Sargent argue that the FCA's proposal to name companies under investigation aims for transparency but risks damaging reputations and trust
Top-up fees for the ongoing cost of care

Top-up fees for the ongoing cost of care

Lisa Morgan, a partner at Hugh James, assesses the increase and impact of top-up fees being imposed in relation to a relative’s care costs, and recent rulings by the ombudsman
Standish: Principle over discretion

Standish: Principle over discretion

The Court of Appeal in the recent divorce case of Standish v Standish concluded that Moor J, arguably the doyen of the money judges, got it significantly wrong. He awarded the wife £45m under the sharing principle. This was £20m or 45% too great
Lexis+ AI