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Dignity for all?

Dignity for all?

Two important new cases raise the question of where to draw the boundaries in sexual orientation and religious discrimination claims, says David Massarella
When your nearest isn't your dearest

When your nearest isn't your dearest

Amendments to the Mental Health Act provide new systems for the selection – and most importantly, the removal – of a patient's nearest relative, says David Hewitt
Virtual worlds, real consequences

Virtual worlds, real consequences

Social networking sites have lured users into a false sense of confidentiality, but personal details held on these sites can be accessed and used by employers against employees – how far can this go, asks Sarah Crowther
Northern lights

Northern lights

Jenny Ramage explores the distinctive characteristics that have helped the Northern Circuit maintain its reputation as the UK's second legal centre
Update: employment

Update: employment

Sue Ashtiany reviews the latest cases on discrimination in the workplace, including victimisation and harassment
Independent decisions

Independent decisions

Expert determinations are increasingly favoured by those lawyers keen on resolving dispute away from the courts, says John Kendall
Opinion: where next for mental health?

Opinion: where next for mental health?

Providing legal safeguards for detained patients is essential in a civilised society. However, the arrival of fixed fees is making proper representation for these most vulnerable clients all but impossible, says Richard Charlton.
Not a temporary fix

Not a temporary fix

Tom Poole welcomes the new authoritative guidance on temporary workers given by the Court of Appeal in the recent James v London Borough of Greenwich case