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Know your limits
Solicitors Journal

Know your limits

When attempting to reach a settlement in a claim for unfair dismissal, practitioners must remember that the effective date of termination triggers a short limitation period and should not be overlooked, says Mark Conway
Be my witness
Solicitors Journal

Be my witness

The latest amendments to the Civil Procedure Rules will improve the rules on expert witnesses and new automatic orders will reduce the workload of district judges, says DJ Paul Mildred
Update: road traffic
Solicitors Journal

Update: road traffic

Robert Sproston and Anjali Krishnan discuss the proposal for reduced speed limits, texting while driving, and cases involving emergency response vehicles, uninsured drivers and fraudulent claims
Update: police and criminal evidence
Solicitors Journal

Update: police and criminal evidence

Kim Bouwer rounds up the latest cases on privacy, police retention of evidence, powers of search and release of information to a third party
Update: employment
Solicitors Journal

Update: employment

Sue Ashtiany reviews the latest cases on employment status and whether directors of failed companies are entitled to the same benefits as their employees, unfair dismissal claims and the 'Polkey' principle, and equal pay in the NHS
Update: competition
Solicitors Journal

Update: competition

Lesley Davey reviews the European Commission's policy on abuse of dominant position, block exemptions, the application of State aid rules in the context of the economic crisis, and the OFT's new leniency guidance
More useful than you'd think
Solicitors Journal

More useful than you'd think

Landlords should be more confident to point to “substantial breaches” of a tenancy agreement when refusing to renew a lease, says John Martin