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Lexis+ AI



Not a temporary fix

Not a temporary fix

Tom Poole welcomes the new authoritative guidance on temporary workers given by the Court of Appeal in the recent James v London Borough of Greenwich case
Update: housing

Update: housing

Jim Shepherd and Dominic Preston examine possession, discrimination and homelessness
Wrongful dismissal

Wrongful dismissal

When claiming for wrongful dismissal, should you head for the employment tribunal… or the High Court? Clara Johnson reports
Polkey confusion

Polkey confusion

The EAT continues to muddy the unfair dismissal law waters, say Elliot Gold and Francis Davey
Bouncing liability

Bouncing liability

The Licensing Act 2003 has seen an increase in security requirements for licensed premises. Stephanie Cope examines the implications for parties to personal injury actions involving door supervisors
Out with bullying

Out with bullying

Bullying can have disastrous consequences, warns Jonathan Chamberlain
Showing grievance

Showing grievance

Rules and procedures in employment tribunals have become hugely baffling. Kerry Underwood and Elish McKee navigate the confusion
Lexis+ AI