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Fit for purpose

Fit for purpose

Jane Ching examines Lord Hunt's recommendations on education, qualification and CPD, and his focus on competence as a pre-requisite for being professionally fit
A momentous birthday

A momentous birthday

The legal disciplinary partnership model is just as relevant to legal aid firms as it is to those undertaking solely privately funded work, argues Penny Owston
Update: tax and trusts

Update: tax and trusts

David Bird considers the question of residence for tax purposes, and the potential benefits of an employer funded retirement benefit scheme
Rolling credits

Rolling credits

Voluntary arrangements allow insolvent firms to continue trading, giving them the opportunity to pay off their debts and remain appealing to outside investors, says Joanne Wright
Starting  young

Starting young

Operation Bumblebee is back: all over the Tube there are adverts telling would-be burglars that the Metropolitan Police has re-launched the burglar-busting initiative, and, if they have any sense at all, they should not be welcoming these darkening evenings as a heaven-sent opportunity to go out burgling, but rather see it as a time to draw up an armchair by a warm fire and have a quiet night in, reminisce about the old days and get an early night. We, the householders, are invited to defeat the threat posed by those who ignore the warnings and prefer to wander from their firesides on autumn evenings by leaving our lights on. The burglars – well, most of them – understandably do not want to risk burgling a house where the occupier is at home, and so they will either move on to find an easier target or just go back home, rattle the coals and say “nothing doing” to Mrs Burglar.