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Lexis+ AI

Legal Opinion & Comment | Expert Analysis and Perspectives


Five lessons from a successful law firm merger

Five lessons from a successful law firm merger

This year marks the fourth anniversary since Moore Blatch and Barlow Robbins came together to create a new law firm: Moore Barlow. Firm chair Helen Goatley shares the lessons that senior leadership learnt when bringing the two legacy firms together
Quiet quitting: the rise of a subtle resignation trend in modern workplaces

Quiet quitting: the rise of a subtle resignation trend in modern workplaces

With the latest State of the Global Workforce 2024 report from Gallup highlighting that a whopping 90% of the UK workforce feel disengaged at work and are “quiet quitting,” leading employment lawyers Daniela Korn and Praveen Bhatia of media law firm Tan Ward take a closer look at this growing trend and its impact on businesses
Lexis+ AI