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Lexis+ AI
Kerry Jack

Kerry Jack

CEO, Black Letter Communications

Kerry is one of the UK’s foremost legal and litigation PR consultants and is regularly consulted by corporates, law firms and individuals, including celebrities, for strategic PR advice. She has been working in legal PR and communications for almost 30 years, having started her PR career working for a specialist professional services consultancy. She then went on to work for several large PR agencies, where she led accounts for clients such as Royal Mail, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, BDO Stoy Hayward and City & Guilds. Kerry has also held senior in-house positions at City University London, where she was Head of Communications & Events, the Department for Work and Pensions as Head of PR, and Lloyds TSB Foundations as Head of Information and Communications. Kerry holds the Chartered Institute of Public Relations Diploma. Since co-founding Black Letter Communications in 2011, Kerry has built a specialism in helping law firms and their clients develop media strategies in support of their cases. She has particular experience with public inquiries, inquests and cases heard at the High Court and the Supreme Court. She asks insightful and difficult questions to determine the strategy and tactics required to effectively deliver the best story. Kerry led the PR for the launch of the landmark litigation against World Rugby, England Rugby and Wales Rugby Union on behalf of the claimants over the failure to protect players from the risks caused by concussions. She is currently engaged by the lead solicitors working on behalf of bereaved families at the Covid-19 Inquiry. Clients benefit from Kerry’s expansive media knowledge and straightforward but compassionate approach, praising her for her ability to grasp key legal arguments and maintain complete control and composure when dealing with the media.


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