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Financial Services & Tax


Protecting the vulnerable

Protecting the vulnerable

There are a variety of tools and mechanisms that can be used to protect the assets of the vulnerable and none are so onerous that they should not be sought in the first place
Keeping it clean

Keeping it clean

Isolating and preserving clean capital are essential undertakings for foreign domiciled individuals and its task easier said than done
Competing interests in 'commercial property

Competing interests in 'commercial property

Denize Akbulut, Katherine Ochynski, and Hannah Rickard consider a case on pre-pack administrations, an ownership dispute, and the consultation on energy efficient taxes
Active or passive?

Active or passive?

Isolating the best investment strategy has never been a case of choosing one over the other as a combination of both is sometimes required
In everything but name

In everything but name

Divorced couples who continue to cohabit are likely to fall into a trap where their assets can still be claimed by their former spouse