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Level playing field

Level playing field

Exciting career paths, top quality work, not to mention the best final salary pension scheme, mean that local government lawyers have never had it better, says Geoff Wild
Probate practice (1)

Probate practice (1)

Taking steps to identify a client's chattels at the time a will is drafted can save executors a lot of trouble. In the first of a series of three articles, Ann Stanyer shares her 'best practice' tips
Choose your court

Choose your court

Michael Salter and Chris Bryden provide practical guidance on the most suitable forum in workplace discrimination claims
Crashing out

Crashing out

The recent case of Casey v Cartwright provides guidance on the circumstances where defendants in low velocity impact claims can rely on their own expert evidence, says Elizabeth Jones, but there are still loopholes
Practice area focus: children law

Practice area focus: children law

Children law is beset by difficult issues: Jean-Yves Gilg reports on open courts, legal funding and lawyers' concerns over a creaking system
Update: trusts

Update: trusts

Finance Act 2006 changesInter vivos trusts Trusts IPDIsBereaved minors18-25 trustsTransitional provisionsLife policiesCGT and modernisationSettlor interested trustTrustee residence By Catherine Sanders
Natural Act (2)

Natural Act (2)

In his second article on the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006, James Pavey analyses how new provisions on wildlife protection, Sites of Special Interest and National Parks will affect landowners, farmers, and the planning process
Expert immunity after GMC v Meadow

Expert immunity after GMC v Meadow

Nicholas Peacock and Charles Foster debate the consequences of the decision in GMC v Professor Sir Roy Meadow [2006] EWCA Civ 1390