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Piggy in the middle

Piggy in the middle

The Employment Appeal Tribunal has clarified that 'piggyback' claims can be brought but it has left many questions unanswered, says Cheryl Edmonds
Ethos and ethnicity

Ethos and ethnicity

The ruling on the definition of Jewishness is likely to have consequences for the broader education system beyond schools' admissions policy, says Barbara Hewson
Solicitors remember Henry Hodge

Solicitors remember Henry Hodge

One of the country's leading solicitors, Sir Henry Hodge, died on 18 June. He was diagnosed with leukaemia in September last year.
Left hanging

Left hanging

The long-awaited House of Lords decision on the statutory holiday entitlement of employees on long-term sick leave has left several issues unresolved, says David Green
Worlds apart

Worlds apart

In light of the recent cuts to legal aid in the UK, Roger Smith examines the situation around the globe
Out in the open?

Out in the open?

DJ Julie Exton considers how the opening of the family courts to the media is likely to work in practice and wonders whether this will achieve the government's aim to create greater transparency
Update: employment

Update: employment

Sue Ashtiany reviews the latest cases on employment status and whether directors of failed companies are entitled to the same benefits as their employees, unfair dismissal claims and the 'Polkey' principle, and equal pay in the NHS