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Society of Licensed Conveyancers backs new customer service awards

Society of Licensed Conveyancers backs new customer service awards


Awards to help firms focus on service levels and raise standards across the sector

The Society of Licensed Conveyancers has announced its support for a new set of industry awards which recognise the best conveyancing firms based on ratings from customers.

The ESTAS Group, which already runs the largest national customer feedback scheme and awards for estate agents, launched the awards for the conveyancing sector in January.

The awards rate firms based on data received from an online customer survey. The award scheme is already backed by the Conveyancing Association.

Simon Brown, founder of The ESTAS, remarked: ‘We live in a world where customer reviews are becoming increasingly important in the consumer decision-making process. The ESTAS is a kite mark for excellent service from any property professional involved in the house-moving process.

‘We’ve been recognising estate and letting agents and mortgage brokers for a number of years now so we believe a similar award scheme for conveyancers is long overdue. We’re absolutely delighted to have the backing of the SLC: it’s another endorsement which confirms to us that conveyancers want these customer-focused awards.’

Simon Law, chairman of the SLC, said: ‘The SLC is pleased to be partnering with The ESTAS Conveyancing Awards as they are based on client feedback rather than peer judgement. The society believes that its members provide a service that is essentially client focused as they are engaged only in the provision of conveyancing.

‘As specialist property lawyers they can keep fully abreast of all legal, technical, and system developments and by the provision of the society’s guides keep their clients well informed about the process. We look forward to seeing a lot of licensed conveyancers in the “winner’s circle” at the awards dinner.’

Entry to the competition is now open and there are categories for single branch firms, regional groups, and national firms.

Benefits to conveyancers start as soon as they register with a range of marketing tools including a service-themed social media campaign and customer feedback reports.

The inaugural awards ceremony will take place on 20 October at the Grosvenor House, Park Lane, London. The event will be hosted by The ESTAS brand ambassador, Phil Spencer.

Spencer, the UK’s best-loved TV property expert, said: ‘Taking part in the ESTAS sets firms apart from their competitors. It sends a clear message that they are passionate about customer service, prepared to go that extra mile for their clients, and keen to listen to feedback.

‘The ESTAS help firms to focus on service levels and raise standards across the property sector that we all work in.’

The awards are sponsored by SearchFlow, the market-leading provider of conveyancing search solutions in the UK. Solicitors Journal is the official media partner of the awards.

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