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Law Firm's Christmas initiative provides 380 needy families with festive meals

Law Firm's Christmas initiative provides 380 needy families with festive meals


Pepperells Solicitors' project raises £9,500, offering Christmas dinners to struggling families in the area

Christmas brings warmth, joy, and festive feasts for many, but not everyone can afford this luxury. For the fourth consecutive year, Pepperells Solicitors initiated the Christmas Dinner Project. This year's remarkable success saw £9,500 raised, allowing 380 families in need to enjoy a hearty Christmas meal.

The demand for these dinner packs has steadily risen over the years, reflecting the growing challenges faced by families amid escalating living costs and job uncertainties. Pepperells aims to ease the strain on these individuals, couples, and families who might otherwise miss out on the traditional Christmas cheer.

Collaborating with Tesco, local food banks, charities, and churches, the project ensures carefully selected recipients receive complete Christmas dinner packs. These packs contain all the essentials for a delightful festive meal, bringing joy to homes where the promise of such a celebration seems like a distant dream.

Julia Rymer, the Marketing Director at Pepperells Solicitors, expressed immense gratitude for the overwhelming community support. Over 130 donations poured in, with more than 50% of donors contributing multiple meals. This collective effort showcases the community's unwavering generosity and willingness to make a difference.

As the festive season approaches, these meal packs, loaded with meat, vegetables, potatoes, festive treats, and more, will be distributed to families in need. The collaboration with Tesco's Community Champions, local churches, and charities ensures timely delivery, spreading warmth and cheer just in time for Christmas.

Pepperells Solicitors' noble endeavor stands as a testament to the spirit of giving, reminding us all of the power of collective kindness during the holiday season.

Lexis+ AI