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Lexis+ AI
Suzanne Townley

News Editor, Solicitors Journal

BSB strategy and business plan

60 Seconds
BSB strategy and business plan


'We agree with those who responded to our consultation that our top priority must be to ensure that we regulate the Bar as efficiently as we can'

The Bar Standards Board has published its three-year strategy and 2022 - 23 business plan. The strategy reflects views obtained during a recent consultation, sets out priorities and proposes five key aims: ‘efficiency’ – delivering core regulatory operations quickly, economically and to a high standard; ‘standards’ – ensuring a high quality and responsive service; ‘equality’ – promoting equality, diversity and inclusion; ‘access’ – promoting understanding of legal services and choice and good value in using those services; and ‘independence’ – strengthening the BSB’s independence, capability self-confidence and credibility. The business plan also explains how budget will be allocated for the year.

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