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Lexis+ AI
Suzanne Townley

News Editor, Solicitors Journal

BSB seeks views on latest strategic review

BSB seeks views on latest strategic review


BSB's director general has asked all those with an interest in the Bar to share their views

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has published a consultation to seek views on its strategic priorities and aims for the three-year period starting in April 2022.

The BSB’s latest strategic review outlines how it will continue to deliver its regulatory objectives and reinforce its identity as an independent regulator. The review considers challenges faced by the Bar as a result of the covid-19 pandemic, the growing use of technology and the need to promote high standards and inclusivity within the Bar.

The consultation has sought views on a new longer-term vision for the BSB, which states: “we will ensure that the Bar and the BSB deliver diversity and high standards, and promote the public interest”.

BSB director-general, Mark Neale, said: “I encourage all those with an interest in the Bar to share their thoughts with us about our proposed strategy for 2022-25.

“As we emerge from the health emergency, the profession faces many continuing challenges including the challenges of ensuring diversity and access to justice, as well as new challenges arising from the take-up of technology.

“Our role as regulator is to work with the profession to meet these challenges in the public interest: to maintain high standards, to promote diversity and to ensure access for the public to good value and understandable services. We very much welcome views on the opportunities and challenges we highlight.”  

The deadline for response is 5pm on Friday 10 December. The final strategy is due to be published in the first quarter of 2022.

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