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Latest Legal News


Local authority budget-setting

Local authority budget-setting

Tiffany Cloynes considers local authorities' budget-setting process and the implications if a local authority struggles to stay within its budget
Clinical negligence round-up

Clinical negligence round-up

Dr Jock Mackenzie reviews recent case law, particularly claims concerning delayed treatment and incorrectly performed operations
No prizes in part 36 for a 'near miss'

No prizes in part 36 for a 'near miss'

The recent decision in Sugar Hut is a reminder of the basic distinction between successful part 36 offers and other offers to settle, say Nicholas Heaton and Giles Hutt
A Norfolk solution to offshore investments

A Norfolk solution to offshore investments

Richard Barr encourages the world's 1 per cent to hide their fortunes in the East of England where it will be protected from investigative journalists by a short-sighted farmer and some messy swine