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Latest Legal News


Sometimes, you have to break a few eggs

Sometimes, you have to break a few eggs

The historical law firm model is to blame for the commercial predicament the industry finds itself in. Dramatic change is the only way to undo decades of inertia
So just what is allowed?

So just what is allowed?

The state is responsible for and consistently introduces tax planning schemes, so why isn't it playing a greater role in educating the public as to what is legal and what is illegal?
Want of knowledge and approval

Want of knowledge and approval

The elements of the Banks v Goodfellow test do not have to be possessed to the highest degree to ensure the validity of a will
Get creative

Get creative

The nature of private client work makes it tricky to market a firm and all the services on offer, but it's certainly not impossible
Tidal changes

Tidal changes

A tide of financial transparency is sweeping across the world. Swimming against it is folly; it will have severe reputational and financial consequences