11 Aug 2006Personal injury trustsPersonal injury trusts are the perfect solution for managing injury compensation awards for recipients of mean-tested benefits. Lynne Bradey explains
4 Aug 2006European briefingThe House of Lords' departure from the European Commission's economic analysis in Crehan in a cause for concern, says Paul Stanley NO
4 Aug 2006Personal injury updateDuty of care :: Occupiers liability :: Reinstatement of claims :: Employers' liability :: Contributory negligence :: Fatal Accidents Act :: Asbestos :: Limitation :: Daniel Easton and Saira Habib report
4 Aug 2006In possessionKelvin Rutledge and Genevieve Screeche-Powell report on new Court of Appeal guidance on applications for suspended possession orders
4 Aug 2006Not so fineNew enforcement powers for the collection of fines threaten individual rights, says Alan Murdie
4 Aug 2006Fast freezeFreezing orders are little use if not served on time, but who is liable when they go wrong? Andrew Howell and Lisa Collins reflect on Customs & Excise v Barclays
4 Aug 2006Blogging: the lawHaving established that blogging was good for your practice, Justin Patten examines the legal implications
2 Aug 2006Rich pickingsIn the penultimate part of his series, Richard Phillips considers judicious outsourcing choices