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Differentiation: Developing the right approach for you
Solicitors Journal

Differentiation: Developing the right approach for you

In the first two articles of this series, Andrew Hedley, business development partner at Pinsents, considered the concept of differentiation and the way in which it can be used to shape the direction and strategy of a firm. In particular, he argued that there is no 'one size fits all' or formulaic approach when it comes to developing the right strategy. This final part of the series considers the range of issues that need to be considered when trying to differentiate your business.
The importance of knowledge management
Solicitors Journal

The importance of knowledge management

Knowledge-management strategies are a natural partner to HR, especially as the term human capital has become more popular with its emphasis on firm-wide knowledge sharing and organisational learning. Karen Battersby, course leader of Nottingham Law School's postgraduate diploma in knowledge management for legal practice, explores the components of a knowledge-management system and highlights the range of benefits knowledge sharing can have in UK law firms.
What management system
Solicitors Journal

What management system

The decision to implement the latest technology to improve working processes is a wise move in delivering to clients the best legal services possible. However, confusion reigns in what various systems provide and enable, often making effective implementation impossible. Tim Travers, a consultant at Neil Cameron Consulting Group, attempts to demystify the management-systems landscape.
Peace process?
Solicitors Journal

Peace process?

Involved in a mediation for the first time? Don't panic – with careful planning and a good mediator, it can be a win-win situation, says Paul Newman
Escape clause
Solicitors Journal

Escape clause

When can the courts refuse an application for a civil jury trial? Tony Davies reports on a Court of Appeal decision which clarifies the correct approach
The life and times of a northern soul
Solicitors Journal

The life and times of a northern soul

In a world where London firms still predominate and where regional firms are beginning to look like they're offshoots of a London business, Cobbetts is making its mark as a truly national firm with a northern heart. Caroline Poynton talks to managing partner, Michael Shaw, about his leadership of the firm, his role in its ongoing expansion and his dreams for the years to come.
Moving on
Solicitors Journal

Moving on

How has the treatment of gypsies and travellers in the UK progressed since the the Human Rights Act 1998 came into force? asks David Watkinson
Dealing with India? Swap remote control for total control
Solicitors Journal

Dealing with India? Swap remote control for total control

With a population of over one billion, 3.29 million square kilometres of landmass to cover, several climates, a multitude of languages and customs, the Indian market can be a daunting place for businessmen and foreign lawyers alike. Shailini Agarwal, a partner with ALMT Legal, explains how, with clear objectives and a steady nerve, doing business in India and getting the best out of local lawyers as instructing solicitors can be richly rewarding and an experience to remember