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Lexis+ AI

Business Law


Viral Revolution

Viral Revolution

Ben Aslet comments on increased remote working in response to the pandemic and how it may impact the profession long-term
A Matter for Perfection

A Matter for Perfection

Firm leaders can learn from good parenting styles in their quest for perfection, says Dr Bob Murray
Are your partners ego-depleted?

Are your partners ego-depleted?

Dr Bob Murray explains how to deal with the dark side of a leader's ego depletion in the office – starting with praise and food
Learn in Code

Learn in Code

Some aspiring lawyers should learn to code but it's not for everyone, says Mikołaj Barczentewicz
Compliance Excellence

Compliance Excellence

Tracey Calvert reviews the latest regulatory developments, and challenges firms to ensure their response to risk factors is appropriate
Recognising Ethical Standards

Recognising Ethical Standards

Lawyers can come in for a bad rap, but Gideon Habel believes the profession should be recognised for good it does in some very difficult circumstances
Lexis+ AI