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Legal Appointments | Key Changes in Solicitor and Lawyer Roles


Sara Lewis KC appointed Head of St Philips Chambers
Solicitors Journal

Sara Lewis KC appointed Head of St Philips Chambers

St Philips Chambers is delighted to confirm the appointment of Sara Lewis KC as its new Head of Chambers. Sara, who succeeds Richard Atkins KC, is a highly experienced and respected KC specialising in family law; she was called to the Bar in 1996 and took Silk in 2021. 
Kings Chambers adds new member
Solicitors Journal

Kings Chambers adds new member

Manchester barristers set Kings Chambers is continuing to grow following the arrival of personal injury and clinical negligence barrister Victoria Heyworth
Capsticks has announced the appointment of Keith Blundred as the new Head of Leeds office
Solicitors Journal

Capsticks has announced the appointment of Keith Blundred as the new Head of Leeds office

Keith joined Capticks as a partner in Leeds' Claims team in 2022 Since joining he has been a very visible leader in the Leeds team and has worked closely on various developments with his predecessor, Lisa Geary. Together they have already implemented a number of office initiatives designed to connect the various teams, including breakfast club, theatre club and quiz socials which all reflect our core values.