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Alec Samuels

Alec Samuels


Alec Samuels is a barrister


A clean break between divorce and money
Solicitors Journal

A clean break between divorce and money

Separating divorce proceedings from financial claims is a step in the right direction but more could easily be done to make the whole process more user friendly, says Hazel Wright
The termination of tiresome legislation
Solicitors Journal

The termination of tiresome legislation

Future Bills that require a duty to insure, and create a criminal offence for non-compliance, should expressly indicate whether or not a civil remedy is also created, argues Alec Samuels
The Education and Adoption Bill 2015
Solicitors Journal

The Education and Adoption Bill 2015

The government is proposing further changes to adoption law and practice in the Education and Adoption Bill 2015, clause 13, writes Alec Samuels