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Risk & Compliance


Consumer brands launch Tesco law prototype
Solicitors Journal

Consumer brands launch Tesco law prototype

Two of the high street's most well-known consumer brands have officially set up prototype alternative business structures to offer legal services direct to the public, Solicitors Journal can reveal.
APIL defends freedom to instruct lawyer
Solicitors Journal

APIL defends freedom to instruct lawyer

The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers has called on the European Commission to ensure that the freedom to instruct a lawyer is “not just a catchphrase”.
Behind closed doors
Solicitors Journal

Behind closed doors

While the proposed court closures will prove inconvenient for some, it is a small price to pay to prevent cuts to other legal services, says Gareth Evans
Update: competition
Solicitors Journal

Update: competition

Richard Waite and Susan Riitala round up the coalition's overhaul of the regulators and consider the implications of that European privilege ruling on competition lawyers
Update: wills and probate
Solicitors Journal

Update: wills and probate

Helen Bryant considers warnings from HMRC about inheritance tax disclosure, solicitors' liability to the executors and heirs of a deceased client, the rectification of a botched deed of variation, and recent decisions on statutory and mutual wills
Damage control
Solicitors Journal

Damage control

Thomas Berman of Berman & Associates explores the wider impact of professional liability claims
ARP clean-up 'a success', says regulator
Solicitors Journal

ARP clean-up 'a success', says regulator

The Solicitors Regulation Authority has recovered more than £750,000 in unpaid insurance premiums since starting to crack down on firms in the assigned risks pool earlier this summer, initial figures show.
Cyber threats
Solicitors Journal

Cyber threats

Thomas Berman of Berman & Associates comments on how to address the new internet security issues facing law firms