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Public Law


Asking too much?
Solicitors Journal

Asking too much?

Inundated by vexatious FOIA requests? Marcus Turle unveils a strategy for public authorities
Phoney tales?
Solicitors Journal

Phoney tales?

Mark Conway and Julia Purcell ask whether the recent 'pony tail' case of DPP v Smith helps with the definition of 'actual bodily harm'
Accommodating minors
Solicitors Journal

Accommodating minors

Two important Court of Appeal decisions have shed light on the way in which local authorities should deal with homeless 16 and 17-year-olds. Jim Shepherd reports
Ongoing care
Solicitors Journal

Ongoing care

There's more to determining responsibility for paying for ongoing care than avoiding double cost recovery. Jackie Linehan reports
Immigration update
Solicitors Journal

Immigration update

Jane Coker discusses Immigration Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 , intra-EEA immigration, deportation, marriage and civil partnership, domestic violence, visits and work restrictions
IHT conundrum
Solicitors Journal

IHT conundrum

Inheritance tax is less and less an isolated matter and should be considered as one element of a bigger tax planning picture, says Peter Nellist
Swapping details
Solicitors Journal

Swapping details

Jimmy Desai reports on Green Thumb Ltd and data transfer clauses in contracts
Second chance tribunal
Solicitors Journal

Second chance tribunal

Litigation in the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal after Sinclair Gardens may become more uncertain, but Laura Collignon welcomes the pragmatic approach.