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Lexis+ AI

Legal services


Lost in space

Lost in space

A law firm's website is one of the most effective ways of communicating with potential clients. David Coldrick shows the way
Not waving but drowning

Not waving but drowning

The government's cuts to legal aid are ill-thought out and disadavantage the most vulnerable members of society, ?says Lewis Forrest
Paint job

Paint job

David Coldrick lifts the lid on the QualitySolicitors brand and considers whether it actually does what it says on the tin
Treasure island

Treasure island

Downbranding a service offering to appeal to the mass market provides lucrative new territory for law firms, says Douglas McPherson
Unlocking the potential

Unlocking the potential

Focusing on financial and investment advice is the key to solicitors' practice development, says Ian Muirhead
Lexis+ AI