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Sore wrists and sallow fretfulness
Solicitors Journal

Sore wrists and sallow fretfulness

Autumn is my favourite season of the year. The rich colours, the soft days filled with the faint scent of smoke, the crackle of leaves under foot, the whispering of wood pigeons and the long smoky shadows all lend enchantment; not to mention the fact that at last the grass no longer has to be cut, you do not have to keep out of the sun for fear of melanoma and your exposure to carcinogens has been reduced by putting away the barbecue for another year.
Overlapping interference
Solicitors Journal

Overlapping interference

For all the differences between trespass and nuisance, the courts have appeared ready to accept the possibility of overlap, says Mark Pawlowski
At your disposal
Solicitors Journal

At your disposal

On top of their main statutory obligations when selling land, charities must be aware of a whole host of other possible constraints, says Jane Lonergan
Exemplary conduct
Solicitors Journal

Exemplary conduct

Tony Guise reviews three recent and important changes to the profession's regulatory framework – practising certificates, remuneration certificates and indemnity cover
An intolerable situation
Solicitors Journal

An intolerable situation

Should the 'best interests' test follow clinical guidelines on 'intolerability' when considering withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment from children, asks Simon Elliman
Over but not out
Solicitors Journal

Over but not out

Edward Heaton explains the rights of adoptive, unmarried and step-parents when a relationship breaks down
Take two
Solicitors Journal

Take two

The court may allow fresh evidence on appeal, but where it was admissable at trial it will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances, says Benjamin Newton