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Moving on

Moving on

Recent research into the way the courts handle relocation disputes and the impact on the families involved further supports a review of the current approach, says Timothy Scott QC
Virtual alienation

Virtual alienation

The right of tenants to 'virtually assign' leases has been strengthened by a recent case, but the change should also be welcomed by landlords, says Julian Sidoli del Ceno
The wrong target

The wrong target

If implemented as they are, Jackson LJ's proposals will shift costs from defendants to claimants and reduce rather than increase access to justice, says Nigel Cooksley QC
Bridging the gap

Bridging the gap

Further harmonisation of the laws across different jurisdictions is needed to keep up with an increasingly globalised and mobile population, says Grant Howell
Faking it

Faking it

Jackson LJ's recommendations for costs shifting could lead to an increase in fraudulent RTA claims, which will be detrimental to both genuine claimants and solicitors, warns Karen Rose