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Lexis+ AI

Expert witness


Trivial pursuit

Trivial pursuit

With wider protection available to whistleblowers, employees' concerns about environmental damage should not be disregarded as too trivial, says Daniel Tivadar
Lessons in life

Lessons in life

Practitioners are frustrated that it is becoming harder for children and parents to access legal advice in education disputes, as Jenny Ramage discovers
Update: insolvency

Update: insolvency

David Archer discusses the rise of 'pre-pack' administration sales, the application of TUPE to insolvent companies, a rare misfeasance case, the application of the pari passu rule, and the latest guidelines on administrators' breach of duty
Don't bank on a bonus

Don't bank on a bonus

Lawyers should prepare for a hard-fought battle over bonuses for investment bank employees who have been made redundant, says Jonathan Evans
Life in crime

Life in crime

David Rhodes discusses the fallibility of ear-print evidence as shown in R v Kemper
Back to basics on confiscation

Back to basics on confiscation

Recent House of Lords' decisions have reminded prosecutors to focus on factual evidence rather than statutory assumptions, says David Winch
Another 48 hours?

Another 48 hours?

The police took the money but lost the permission application. Will they be given another 48 hours? Elliott Gold explains police powers to sieze and hold criminal cash
Lexis+ AI