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Lexis+ AI



New strategies

New strategies

Mark Riminton and Richard England explain how a new 'business' approach can unlock your firm's earning potential
Immigration update

Immigration update

Jane Coker discusses Immigration Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 , intra-EEA immigration, deportation, marriage and civil partnership, domestic violence, visits and work restrictions
Regional focus: South-west

Regional focus: South-west

Jean-Yves Gilg discovers that life in the South-west can be as fast paced as in London but that business can be tough as a rural community lawyer
European briefing

European briefing

The House of Lords' departure from the European Commission's economic analysis in Crehan in a cause for concern, says Paul Stanley NO
Coroner Service Reform

Coroner Service Reform

The draft Coroners Bill aims to make the coroner service more efficient. Andrew Alonzi explains how
Lexis+ AI