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Lexis+ AI



No alternative?

No alternative?

The principles laid down in Myatt and Garrett will lead to another round in the costs war, says Brett Dixon
Madonna complex

Madonna complex

By reversing the Court of Appeal's judgment in Re G (children), the Lords have marginalised the weaker parent, says Elizabeth Woodcraft
Litigation tactics

Litigation tactics

Martin Iller explores the limits of the 'without prejudice' rule in practice
Solomon's judgment

Solomon's judgment

The Official Solicitor's costs in representing a patient's best interests can be significant. Claire Bentley and Tracey Lucas review the 'usual order' for contributions
Feeling aggrieved

Feeling aggrieved

Do aggrieved employees have to follow a specific procedure for their claims? Esther Morris reports
Due diligence and Historic Buildings

Due diligence and Historic Buildings

Local authorities are sharpening their strategy to prosecute property owners for breach of planning regulations, including subsequent purchasers, warns Stephen Levrant
At what cost?

At what cost?

Does the predictable costs regime fulfil its objective of reducing costs? Elliot Gold reports
Charity ends at home

Charity ends at home

Has X v A changed the principles established by Clore 40 years ago? Nicholas Le Poidevin reports
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