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Lexis+ AI



South Coast: looking beyond the recession

South Coast: looking beyond the recession

Firms on the South Coast are working hard on their unique specialisms to beat the downturn but they are also planning their next move and already thinking of their post-recession strategies. Jean-Yves Gilg reports
Constructive thinking

Constructive thinking

Mark Pawlowski asks whether there is scope for giving effect to informal land agreements by applying constructive trust doctrine
Money, toil and trouble

Money, toil and trouble

Funding divorce proceedings is beset with hidden pitfalls not just for the party without personal finance but also for their solicitor, warn Philip Way and Edward Heaton
With a clear intent

With a clear intent

The recent judgment of Mr Justice Akenhead in the case of Diamond Build Ltd v Clapham Park Homes Ltd [2008] EWHC 1439 (TCC), delivered on 25 June 2008, is refreshingly clear on the way the letter of intent was interpreted.
The Rashomon effect

The Rashomon effect

A case before the European Court of Human Rights could lead to a fundamental review of the admissibility of hearsay evidence and offer defendants greater protection, says Ben Newton
Update: landlord and tenant

Update: landlord and tenant

Milton McIntosh reviews the latest cases relating to oral agreements, rent review arbitrations, damages claims and forfeiture of deposit where assignments are not completed
No silent agreements

No silent agreements

In leasehold enfranchisement, obtaining a decision from the LVT on purchase price does not amount to agreement of the terms by tenants, explains Lucy Barber
The traveller's saviour

The traveller's saviour

The courts have sensibly construed section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act, allowing consumers the right to claim against credit card issuers for cancelled flights even when purchased abroad, says Daniel M Collins
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