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Lexis+ AI



On the safe side

On the safe side

Employers that ensure they implement the correct health and safety procedures are unlikely to be found liable for workplace accidents, says Dan McCauley
Joining forces

Joining forces

Does 'soldier discrimination' amount to indirect discrimination on the ground of sex, ask Taha Idris and Kai Graf von Pahlen
Overlapping interference

Overlapping interference

For all the differences between trespass and nuisance, the courts have appeared ready to accept the possibility of overlap, says Mark Pawlowski
Riding the wave

Riding the wave

The arrival of ABS and the predicted rise in bulk conveyancing are causing concern in the legal world, but some firms are considering how they might turn these threats into opportunities. Jenny Ramage reports
All the care in the world

All the care in the world

Malcolm Johnson considers whether child abuse claims involving foster carers will leave local authorities open to vicarious liability
The picture of health

The picture of health

Helen Brooks explains the potential benefits and difficulties of the new 'fit note' guidance for employers on dealing with stress-related absence
Back in play

Back in play

HIPs provide solicitors with an opportunity to reverse conveyancing trends and, contrary to popular belief, you don't need to charge the earth, says Paul Bibby
Lexis+ AI