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Lexis+ AI



A second chance for class actions

A second chance for class actions

While the tools are now in place to bring collective proceedings in competition cases, the CAT will carefully examine any requests for certification, explains Marc Israel
How should your company prepare for Brexit?

How should your company prepare for Brexit?

In the face of continuing uncertainty, the best advice for firms is to think through how operations may be affected and conduct a rigorous risk assessment, write Constantin Achillas and Robert Bell
The duty to give reasons in planning decisions

The duty to give reasons in planning decisions

When an application raises a great deal of public concern, the planning authority should make plain that its decision has a rational and justified basis, writes Adrienne Copithorne
Notes in the margin

Notes in the margin

Janet Bignell QC and Jamie Sutherland explain the court's approach to negligence claims against valuation surveyors
Lexis+ AI