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Lexis+ AI



Update: Professional negligence

Update: Professional negligence

Spike Charlwood considers how the recent credit crunch has led to a rise in lenders'negligence claims, with specific regard to the cases of Nationwide and Pulvers
The Financial Ombudsman will fix it

The Financial Ombudsman will fix it

The Financial Ombudsman Service provides a swift and cost-effective alternative to litigation against financial institutions, says Michael J Wilson
Contracting out conflict

Contracting out conflict

Confirmation in an Australian case that fiduciary duties may be contractually avoided could set a precedent for English courts, say Michael Twomey and Eamonn McNamara
Update: landlord and tenant

Update: landlord and tenant

Milton McIntosh considers developments in regard to rent reviews, quiet enjoyment, surrender agreements, repair damages and business tenancies
Update: family

Update: family

Liz Dronfield considers the protection of children from harm and in particular the extension of Family Assistance Orders, interim change of residence, committal proceedings and care proceedings involving parents with severe learning disabilities
The draftsman's tightrope

The draftsman's tightrope

If restrictive covenants are drafted too widely then they are unenforceable, but if drawn too narrowly they become ineffectual, says Dijen Basu
Update: sentencing.

Update: sentencing.

Barbara Barnes reports on the latest guidelines by the Sentencing Guidelines Council and the Court of Appeal's review of its sentencing principles
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