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Lexis+ AI



Update: agricultural law

Update: agricultural law

The courts continue to be reluctant to allow modification or discharge of restrictive covenants attached to agricultural land unnecessarily, says Michael Aubrey
Still tough for women

Still tough for women

Although women in legal practice are aware of their employment rights many firms continue to just pay lip service to the rules. Ayesha Nayyar investigates
A mirror of marriage?

A mirror of marriage?

Courts are unlikely to follow blindly the precedents set by traditional marriages when establishing principles applicable to the break up of civil partnerships, says Gerald Wilson
European briefing

European briefing

The ECJ has reminded EU institutions to protect fundamental rights fully, says Paul Stanley
South West: beating  the downturn

South West: beating the downturn

As the credit crunch tightens its grip lawyers in the South West respond with a realistic but upbeat approach to the challenge, says Jean-Yves Gilg
Testamentary promises

Testamentary promises

The Court of Appeal's ruling in Thorner v Curtis takes an unnecessarily rigid approach to the assessment of promises in estoppel claims, says Mark Pawlowski
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