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Lexis+ AI



Rage against the machine

Rage against the machine

The possibility for aggrieved customers to bring harassment claims against large corporations should encourage companies to take responsibility for their actions and stop sending threatening automated correspondence says Tom Collins


When faced with tenants who cannot pay at a time when rents are set to fall, it may be wiser currently for commercial landlords to reach an agreement with the tenant rather than seek possession, says Richard Hayes
Update: agriculture

Update: agriculture

James Falkner reviews a rare agricultural tenancy case, new environmental regulations affecting farming, and protection of land from becoming a highway
Don't bank on a bonus

Don't bank on a bonus

Lawyers should prepare for a hard-fought battle over bonuses for investment bank employees who have been made redundant, says Jonathan Evans
Winning isn't everything

Winning isn't everything

Someone asked me the other day what I liked best about my job. As that someone was waiting for the prison van to remove him from a Crown Court cell to a better guarded residence, I paused to search for an encouraging answer. He got in before me. “Winning, I expect,” he said wistfully.
Strike outs and summary judgments

Strike outs and summary judgments

Litigants should take particular care in providing particulars of claim or in mounting a defence, as courts are increasingly likely to strike off or even issue summary judgment in poorly prepared cases, says Peter Glover
Update: agricultural law

Update: agricultural law

The courts continue to be reluctant to allow modification or discharge of restrictive covenants attached to agricultural land unnecessarily, says Michael Aubrey
Back to the start position

Back to the start position

Changes implemented under the Civil Procedure Rules have confused the issue in the area of non-service leaving more questions than answers, says Elizabeth Morrison
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