Wright Hassall: Leading the way in gender pay equality
By Law News
Midlands law firm Wright Hassall achieves -22% median gender pay gap, emphasising commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion
In a groundbreaking move on International Women's Day, the prominent Midlands law firm, Wright Hassall, has demonstrated its dedication to reducing the gender pay gap by voluntarily releasing a new Gender Pay Gap Report. The report reveals an impressive reduction in the firm's median gender pay gap from 40.3% to an extraordinary -22% in just four years.
This achievement surpasses the UK average median pay gap of 14.3% in 2023 and the UK legal sector average median pay gap of 22.7% (based on 2022/2023 gender pay gap data). The median gender pay gap is a key metric, measuring the difference between average hourly earnings of men and women by listing salaries in order and comparing the midpoint salaries of both genders.
Wright Hassall's report highlights that women's median hourly pay within the firm is now 22% higher than men's. The law firm, employing 178 staff members, including 57 males and 121 females, has actively focused on reducing its gender pay gap since 2020 as part of its commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Notably, the Senior Leadership Team and Partner group maintain a 50/50 male to female ratio.
Mark Shrimpton, Chief People Officer at Wright Hassall, expressed the firm's commitment to building an exceptional workplace by addressing inequalities through action rather than mere rhetoric. On this International Women's Day, the firm proudly announced its -22% median pay gap and the achievement of a gender-balanced senior leadership team.
Shrimpton attributes this success to proactive measures, fair decision monitoring, fostering a flexible workplace, and ensuring equal opportunities for all colleagues. Wright Hassall, established in 1846, positions itself as a pioneer in gender pay equality, potentially standing out as one of the few—if not the only—UK law firms with a negative gender pay gap.
The full Gender Pay Gap Report can be accessed on the firm's official website at wrighthassall.co.uk. Wright Hassall remains committed to leading the way in gender pay equality, pledging to monitor and voluntarily publish its gender pay gap information in the future.