The reality behind divorce trends: Debunking the myth of "Divorce Day"

By Law News
Contrary to popular belief, divorce trends debunked; economic pressures delay separations, impacting legal proceedings
Each year, headlines circulate about a supposed "Divorce Day," often the first working Monday of January, suggesting it as the peak time for divorce filings. However, Clarke Willmott LLP, a prominent national law firm, challenges this narrative, asserting that the concept of a "Divorce Day" is more myth than reality.
The firm's leading family lawyers contest this notion, citing their observation that there's no significant surge in divorce cases after the holiday season. Instead, they raise concerns about a new trend supported by research from Legal and General. This trend reveals that more individuals are postponing divorce proceedings due to the current cost of living crisis.
Chris Longbottom, the partner and head of the firm's family team, highlights the discrepancy between media portrayals and actual legal consultations. While some may seek advice after one final Christmas together or due to resolutions at the start of the year, divorces rarely result from impulsive decisions.
Interestingly, Clarke Willmott notes that peak periods for divorce inquiries often occur after school holidays, with consistent inquiries throughout the year. The latest data from Legal and General indicates that around 13% (272,000 people) delay divorces due to financial strains.
Expressing concern, Longbottom emphasizes the emotional toll divorce takes, advising early legal consultation and collaborative efforts for a smoother process. With the availability of "no-fault" divorces and tools like mediation, the firm encourages cost-effective and peaceful settlements without extensive court involvement.