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Lexis+ AI
Suzanne Townley

News Editor, Solicitors Journal

SQE fees rise

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SQE fees rise


The Law Society president has again called on the governement to provide access to funding for the SQE

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has announced Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) fees will increase by 3.4 per cent from October. SQE1 will rise from £1,558 to £1,622 and SQE2 from £2,422 to £2,493. Law Society president I. Stephanie Boyce said she was “concerned” about what this could mean for aspiring solicitors from lower socio-economic backgrounds, with the cost of living set to “skyrocket”. She said: “It was hoped that the SQE would increase social mobility. However, with rising costs and a lack of loans for those who need them, this aim looks less achievable”.

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