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Shakespeare Martineau Partner achieves agricultural Law Association fellowship

Shakespeare Martineau Partner achieves agricultural Law Association fellowship


Amy Cowdell, head of agriculture at Shakespeare Martineau, attains prestigious fellowship, enhancing expertise in rural law

Amy Cowdell, a partner and head of agriculture at Shakespeare Martineau, has achieved a significant milestone in her legal career by becoming a Fellow of the Agricultural Law Association (ALA). The ALA, renowned as the UK's premier organisation dedicated to rural law and business, selects only 20 candidates annually for this esteemed fellowship.

The rigorous fellowship examination encompasses a comprehensive two-week residential course covering diverse facets of agricultural law practice, from litigation and taxation to succession planning and landed estates. Successful candidates, like Amy, gain enhanced strategic and technical competence, enabling them to provide informed counsel to clients in the rural sector.

Amy expressed her delight at the accomplishment, highlighting the unique challenges and considerations inherent in agricultural law. She emphasised the importance of understanding the complex dynamics between agricultural operations and multigenerational family structures, underscoring the need for holistic advice tailored to clients' specific circumstances.

With nearly two decades of experience, Amy specialises in various aspects of agricultural property law, including transactions involving farms and estates

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