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Pepperells proudly certified as official Alzheimer's Society partner during Dementia Action Week

Pepperells proudly certified as official Alzheimer's Society partner during Dementia Action Week


Dementia Action Week, spearheaded annually by the Alzheimer's Society, focuses on raising awareness and providing support for people living with dementia

By partnering with the Alzheimer's Society, Pepperells Solicitors joins a global initiative to enhance understanding and encourage actions that benefit those impacted by dementia.

Charlotte Johnson, Head of the Private Client Department at Pepperells Solicitors, expressed the firm’s commitment: "As we mark Dementia Action Week, we are honoured to become an official partner of the Alzheimer's Society. This partnership reflects our unwavering commitment to supporting those affected by dementia and our dedication to making a positive difference in our community."

Victoria Neale, a member of the Pepperells team, shared her personal connection to dementia: "My grandad suffered greatly from dementia, and his experience has driven my passion for supporting individuals and families affected by this condition. Joining forces with the Alzheimer's Society during Dementia Action Week is a significant step towards raising awareness and providing crucial support to those in need."

Pepperells Solicitors also emphasises the importance of future planning, particularly given the challenges posed by dementia. Making a will ensures that one's wishes are respected and that loved ones are cared for. Through its partnership with the Alzheimer's Society, Pepperells aims to highlight the importance of making a will and encourages individuals to consider including a charitable gift to the Alzheimer's Society in their estate plans.

"We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy," added Charlotte Johnson. "The 'Will to Remember' initiative encourages individuals to consider including a gift to the Alzheimer's Society in their wills, helping to support vital research and services for those affected by dementia."

Clare Williams, Business Development Manager at Pepperells Solicitors, highlighted the firm’s dedication to community engagement and corporate social responsibility: "At Pepperells, we recognise the importance of aligning with local charities to support causes that matter to our community. Our partnerships, such as with the Alzheimer's Society, are integral to our strategic vision for community engagement. By working together, we amplify our impact and drive positive change for individuals and families affected by dementia."

Lexis+ AI