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Hanna Basha's remarks highlight the urgency for Ofcom to demonstrate its resolve in enforcing regulatory standards

Ofcom warns social media platforms of potential under-18 ban for non-compliance

Ofcom warns social media platforms of potential under-18 ban for non-compliance


Hanna Basha, Partner at Payne Hicks Beach, highlights the significance of Ofcom's stance, particularly in light of its ongoing investigation into OnlyFans

Ofcom, the UK's communications regulator, has issued a stern warning to social media platforms, cautioning them that they could face a ban for under-18s if they do not adhere to the new online safety regulations. This announcement comes in the wake of heightened scrutiny over platforms' failure to implement adequate age verification measures, as exemplified by the recent investigation into OnlyFans.

Hanna Basha highlights the need for tangible enforcement actions to accompany regulatory directives, emphasising that mere statements of intention are insufficient to ensure platforms' compliance.

The Online Safety Act represents a crucial step towards safeguarding children in the digital realm. However, the effectiveness of these measures hinges on regulators' ability to hold platforms accountable for their obligations. Without robust penalties for non-compliance, the credibility of regulatory efforts to protect minors from online harms may be called into question.

Hanna Basha's remarks highlight the urgency for Ofcom to demonstrate its resolve in enforcing regulatory standards. In order to instill confidence in its regulatory authority, Ofcom must convey a clear message that violations of online safety regulations will not be tolerated, regardless of the platform's size or prominence.

As social media platforms continue to play an increasingly central role in the lives of young users, ensuring their safety and well-being online remains paramount. By enforcing stringent regulations and holding platforms accountable for their responsibilities, regulators can help foster a safer digital environment for all users, particularly children and adolescents.

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