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Lexis+ AI

Newcastle hospital faces substantial damages payout in birth injury case

Newcastle hospital faces substantial damages payout in birth injury case


David Knifton KC secures significant compensation for a child who suffered quadriplegic cerebral palsy due to birth complications at The Royal Victoria Infirmary in 2014

The child, referred to as AWS for anonymity, endured profound disability following a prolonged period of intra-uterine hypoxia before delivery. The hospital's negligence, including delayed medical review and intervention, led to irreversible brain damage.

Despite the Trust admitting a breach of duty, they contested causation, arguing the decision to delay intervention was reasonable. David Knifton KC, through careful negotiation, secured a compromise where the Trust is liable for 55% of damages, termed by the Judge as an "excellent outcome."

This settlement ensures financial security for the child's future, acknowledging the dedication of his parents and legal team. As investigations into the claim's value proceed, it's anticipated that a substantial damages settlement will be reached before the quantum trial in late 2025.

David Knifton's representation, along with the Trust's cooperative approach, marks a significant milestone in securing justice and financial stability for the affected family.

Lexis+ AI