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Lexis+ AI
Nicola Laver

Editor, Solicitors Journal

Quotation Marks
[print title] Abusive bar [7 May 2021]

New initiative launched to tackle abusive behaviour at the bar

New initiative launched to tackle abusive behaviour at the bar


Barristers have been urged to back a new initiative aimed at tackling abusive behaviour and improve the culture at the bar

Barristers have been urged to back a new initiative aimed at tackling abusive behaviour and improve the culture at the bar. All Rise has been set up by four barristers from four different organisations and chambers and aims to encourage barristers across all practice areas and levels of call to speak out against abusive, bullying and belittling behaviour. One of the founding barristers Chris Gutteridge said: “We think it will create more ‘active bystanders’ at the bar and act as a visual deterrent to potential abusers.”


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