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Milestone achievement: two solicitors granted extended rights of audience in Scotland

Milestone achievement: two solicitors granted extended rights of audience in Scotland


These solicitor advocates now have the authority to appear in the High Court and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, following their successful completion of criminal rights of audience training and assessment in 2023

The Law Society of Scotland recently conferred extended rights of audience to Lindsay McNeill and Mohammed Hamza Sarwar, marking a significant milestone in their legal careers. T

At a ceremony held at the Court of Session in Edinburgh on March 25th, Law Society President Sheila Webster presided over the event, inviting Lord Braid to administer the Declaration of Allegiance to the newly appointed solicitor advocates. This ceremony marked the third occasion this year where such honours were bestowed.

In her remarks, President Sheila Webster congratulated Lindsay and Mohammed on their remarkable achievement, highlighting the dedication and hard work they exhibited throughout their training. She emphasized the significant personal and professional sacrifices they made to reach this milestone, underscoring the admiration of the legal profession for their commitment.

Webster also acknowledged the rigorous nature of the training and assessment process, recognizing the challenges inherent in assuming additional responsibilities while balancing other obligations. She commended both individuals for their perseverance and determination, stating that their success serves as a testament to the high standards upheld by the legal community.

For Lindsay McNeill and Mohammed Hamza Sarwar, this achievement represents not only a validation of their legal expertise but also a recognition of their potential to advocate effectively in complex legal matters. With their newfound rights of audience, they are poised to make significant contributions to the legal profession and uphold the principles of justice and fairness.

As they embark on this new chapter of their careers, Lindsay and Mohammed stand as exemplars of excellence and dedication within the legal community, inspiring future generations of solicitor advocates to pursue their ambitions and strive for excellence in the pursuit of justice.

Lexis+ AI