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Lexis+ AI
Nicola Laver

Editor, Solicitors Journal

Major trauma legal-medico group launched

Major trauma legal-medico group launched


A new national service for individuals affected by major trauma has been launched by a group of leading law firms and medics

A new national service for individuals affected by major trauma has been launched by a group of leading law firms and medics.

Headed by Trevor Sterling, a specialist personal injury lawyer and managing partner at Moore Barlow, the Major Trauma Group was set up by Sterling’s firm, along with Boyes Turner, CL Medilaw, Enable Law and The Brain Injury Group in collaboration with medical clinicians.

It comes at a time of global pandemic when NHS funding for major trauma centres and rehabilitation has reached an all-time low.

The service will help assist those affected by major trauma and raise awareness of the issues faced by patients, such as the need for a review of the government’s injury cost recovery scheme and the current shortfall in services as a result of covid-19.

It is aimed to ensure those people are fully supported in their rehabilitation journey through integrated legal, health and social care pathways to recovery.

As the new group’s chair, Sterling said: “Covid-19 has introduced unwelcome issues for people affected by major trauma and their families.

“From the closure of rehabilitation services to the upset of not being able to see family whilst in hospital, the care and rehabilitation for these individuals with serious, long-term conditions has been impacted.”

He added that the injury cost recovery scheme has not kept up with the expensive cost of recovery, which means “it is common practice that the NHS has to cover this shortfall in funding”.

“We are proud to be launching The Major Trauma Group today”, he commented, “the first venture of its kind where lawyers and medical professionals will work together for people affected by major trauma.”

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