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Lexis+ AI
Nicola Laver

Editor, Solicitors Journal

Quotation Marks
[print title] Local land charges [10 May 2021]

Local authority funding boost for local land charges move

Local authority funding boost for local land charges move


A further £26m has been promised to local authorities to speed up migration of local land charges services to central register

A further £26m was promised to local authorities to speed up migration of local land charges (LLC) services to HM Land Registry (HMLR). Government’s aim is that all local authorities will have migrated onto the central register by 2025. HMLR’s director of transformation, Karina Singh, said: “Research suggests that 6 per cent of property transactions fail, costing between £700 and £2,700 per transaction. By enabling earlier access to LLC information these costs should reduce, making the conveyancing process better for all parties.”


Lexis+ AI