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Lexis+ AI
Suzanne Townley

News Editor, Solicitors Journal

Leigh Day represents family at nut allergy pre-inquest review

Leigh Day represents family at nut allergy pre-inquest review


Leigh Day partner, Thomas Jervis, leads the team representing the family of James Atkinson

Law firm Leigh Day is set to represent the family of 23-year-old James Atkinson (pictured) at a pre-inquest review hearing regarding his death, on Tuesday 10 May 2022 at Newcastle Coroner’s Court. 

James died suddenly on 10 July 2020 after he suffered a suspected severe allergic reaction, after he consumed a slice of a take away pizza ordered via the Deliveroo app from Dadyal restaurant. James had a known allergy to peanuts. James was from Leeds, where his family still live, but moved to Newcastle to study computer science at Newcastle University. After graduating, he remained in Newcastle where he lived with friends.

James’s family is represented by Leigh Day partner, Thomas Jervis. Jervis was also part of the legal teams which represented the families of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse, Owen Carey and Shante Turay-Thomas, who all tragically lost their lives following severe allergic reactions. Barristers Craig Hassall QC and Helena Spector from Park Square Barristers Chambers have also been instructed.

James’s parents, Jill and Stuart Atkinson, hope the inquest will help provide answers about the circumstances surrounding his death. Over two million people in the UK are living with a diagnosed food allergy and this number is on the rise. Their aim is to ensure that by examining whether lessons could be learned in James’s death, other allergy sufferers can be better protected.

On 1 October 2021, the UK Food Information Amendment, known as ‘Natasha’s Law’, came into force, which tightened food labelling requirements around allergen information.

The full inquest into James’s death is currently listed on 19 to 22 October 2022. James’s family are raising funds for their case through CrowdJustice

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