Leigh Day partner Richard Meeran leads legal action for Brazilian Quilombola communities against UK mining companies Brazil Iron Limited and Brazil Iron Trading Limited

By Law News
The claim outlines years of suffering due to iron ore dust pollution, disruptive machinery noise, structural damage from blasting, and contamination of land, crops, and water sources
Leigh Day, is spearheading legal proceedings on behalf of Brazilian quilombola communities in Bahia state against UK mining companies Brazil Iron Limited and Brazil Iron Trading Limited. Filing their claim in the High Court of London, over 100 residents from the Mocó and Bocaina communities seek redress for environmental damage caused by Brazil Iron Mineração Limitada (BIML), the company operating the Fazenda Mocó mine.
Despite environmental violations leading to a 2022 suspension of mining activity, Brazil Iron persists. The claimants, predominantly farmers reliant on social welfare, demand compensation for their losses. Health risks confirmed by the State of Bahia's Health Secretariat prompted the legal action.
Leigh Day's representation underscores the contrast between Brazil Iron's green energy branding and the environmental degradation experienced by these communities. Facing intimidation and harassment, they turn to English courts, citing limited access to justice in Brazil.
Catarina Oliveira da Silva, leader of the Bocaina community association, expresses optimism in the legal process, emphasizing the significance of their case being heard.