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Lexis+ AI

Legaltech startup Lawhive receives £9.5 million in seed funding led by GV to enhance its AI-infused legal platform

Legaltech startup Lawhive receives £9.5 million in seed funding led by GV to enhance its AI-infused legal platform


Lawhive aims to democratise legal assistance by providing high-quality, cost-effective services to individuals and small businesses

The funding round, with GV and Episode 1 Ventures as key investors, propels Lawhive's mission forward, building on its previous success and rapid growth.

With the UK consumer legal market valued at £25 billion, Lawhive addresses affordability issues and streamlines complex legal processes.

Operating as the 'Shopify-for-law', Lawhive's AI-powered platform empowers lawyers to serve clients efficiently while reducing costs.

Through automation and AI augmentation, Lawhive optimises legal workflows, allowing lawyers to focus on high-value tasks.

Lawhive's AI lawyer, Lawrence, complements human lawyers, handling routine legal work and enhancing overall efficiency.

CEO Pierre Proner emphasises the vision of democratising legal access, with AI enabling broader availability of high-quality legal support.

Lawhive plans to utilise the funding to expand its team, including hiring AI engineers and software developers.

Vidu Shanmugarajah from GV highlights Lawhive's transformative potential in redefining the legal industry through technology-driven innovation.

Lexis+ AI