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Lexis+ AI
Suzanne Townley

News Editor, Solicitors Journal

IPO issues statement on IP rights for Ukrainian entities

IPO issues statement on IP rights for Ukrainian entities


The IPO offered its full support to Ukrainian customers and rights holders

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has issued a statement reassuring its Ukrainian customers and rights holders in relation to their UK intellectual property rights and applications.

The IPO acknowledged that “for the majority of our Ukrainian customers and rights holders the last thing on their minds, at this time, is their IP” but sought to reassure advisors and customers that it had been “working to put in place a package of immediate measures” which would provide “the fullest support” to customers in Ukraine.

“Like everyone in the UK, we are appalled by Russia’s despicable actions and stand unequivocally behind Ukraine and its people,” said the IPO. “The UK’s economic sanctions against Russia include intellectual property, and we are enforcing these sanctions robustly. We will not be providing services to those on the sanctions list, either directly or through their agents”.

It added: “We want to assure our Ukrainian customers that we will support them to safeguard their IP Rights when they are ready or able to contact us. We will use the maximum flexibility available to us in law to consider requests for extensions of time, reinstatements and restorations. We want to make it as simple as we can for customers to make such requests, and we will be happy to talk through the process whenever an applicant or agent contacts us”.

The IPO said it recognised communications are currently difficult “and in some cases impossible” in Ukraine. It said it would continue to send all communications electronically when possible. It said that if it only held a postal address for customers, it would arrange an alternative method of communication “when those customers are able and ready to contact us”. It encouraged those customers to get in touch “when they are able to”.

 “Where a customer has files or records relating to UK intellectual property rights or applications that may have been lost, damaged or destroyed in Ukraine, we will be providing all the assistance we can to reconstitute these,” concluded the IPO’s statement.

Those advising Ukrainian clients on IP issues may contact the IPO for further support:; 0300 300 2000.


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